Nivesh Consultants - dineshkumar

About Us


Dinesh Kumar

CEO & Founder

Nivesh Consulants

Welcome to world of Dinesh kumar

Dinesh kumar is working as an insurance consultant from last 10 years and he intends to support customers through life Insurance product. The consultant is providing diverse life insurance solutions to the clientele throughout the globe,He is working as Insurance Consultant of LIC of India since last 10 years. Out of 14 lacs consultants all over India, Dinesh kumar as a consultant has made his mark among top 1000 consultants,he has made remarkable association with 350 families to ensure the achievements of their long and short term financial goal.Working with a dedicated team of professionals, Mr.Dinesh inspires audiences through his incredible true success story and also provides honest consultancy to the people throughout the world. He represents Nivesh consultants and Working with extremely enthusiastic team his core objective is to do Efficient financial planning for his Customers and to transform the professionalism of other Consultants through distinctive strategies.

Mr Dinesh kumar Has got the recognitions like (Star of LIC) ,(Top performer of the branch award),(Jewel of LIC award) MDRT , Throughout the journey,by establishing his own company (Nivesh consultants)




